The config can make you play better but will not be near as effectiv as a wallhack or anything else you may imagine. You can not reduce recoil or something similar because commands like "r_recoil 0" do not exist without excessive cheating. You can bypass this by setting your config to "read only" MW2 has triggers to reset your config to a default one, hacked lobbys can also modify your config. Has animated Water while cg_drawWater "0" obviously lets your game skip those animations In "config-language" 1 means yes and 0 no, therefore cg_drawWater "1" means that your game

cfg-files by re-naming or re-saving them. You should open it with word and then save it as cfg-file again. Config_mp.cfg is responsible for the multiplayer The config is in your steam folder (Steam->Steamapps->cmon->MW2->Players) First of all you need to understand how a config works, here are some basics :