“Stay With Me”: Smith wowed an audience likely seeing him for the first time with this stunning cut on “Saturday Night Live.” In it, he turns a desperate plea for a one-night stand to stay into an eloquent statement on being a sensitive man who knows what he wants, but has no illusions that he’ll get it. Here lie the first hints of trouble in Smith’s relationship, from a dream that he was mugged outside his beloved’s house to the worse realization that he dared think his love was reciprocated.

“Good Thing”: Beginning with swelling strings that spill into a muted guitar line like teardrops breaking (yes, it’s that dramatic), the second track is the real beginning of the end that “In the Lonely Hour” is all about.

The first official single is a bit of a bait-and-switch: those kinds of synthesizers don’t set the tone for the record but reappear until the very end, and at first listen it’s easy to focus on the blaring chorus and miss the “I don’t have” that sneaks up beforehand. “Money On My Mind”: “Money On My Mind” kicks off the album on a sprightly note, with a crisp, skittering backbeat and chopped-up backing exhalations. “After writing the album,” he told Billboard, “I felt I’d given everything out, and I’m willing to keep doing that with my music for the rest of my life.” Here’s to seeing how he keeps pouring his heart out. SAM SMITH VINYL IN THE LONELY HOUR FULL.SAM SMITH VINYL IN THE LONELY HOUR MOVIE.